NVIDIA’s solution

In the GPU-Operator solution, there is a VFIO-Manager component that supports unbinding the GPU device from either the GPU driver or the VFIO-PCI driver, and binding it to the VFIO-PCI driver. The VFIO-Manager is controlled by the vfio-manage.sh script.

vfio-manage.sh Functionality Overview

Main Function: help: display the help information bind: bind the vfio-pci driver unbind: unbind the vfio-pci driver

options: --all: bind all devices --device_id: bind a specified devices

Function: bind

If a specific GPU is specified, bind only that GPU; otherwise, bind all devices

bind all device Find all devices and bind each target GPU sequentially

bind target gpu

  • Check if the device is not an NVIDIA GPU, return with an error

  • Execute bind_pci_device:

    • Check if VFIO-PCI driver is already bound; if true, return
    • Execute unbind_from_other_device
    # 1.Check if VFIO-PCI driver is already bound; if true, return
    [ -e "/sys/bus/pci/devices/$gpu/driver" ] || return 0
    #2. get current driver
    existing_driver=$(readlink -f "/sys/bus/pci/devices/$gpu/driver")
    existing_driver_name=$(basename "$existing_driver")
    #3. if current driver is vfio-pci, return
    [ "$existing_driver_name" != "vfio-pci" ] || return 0
    echo "$gpu" > "$existing_driver/unbind"
    echo > /sys/bus/pci/devices/$gpu/driver_override
    • Execute two bind operations:
    echo "vfio-pci" > /sys/bus/pci/devices/$gpu/driver_override
    echo "$gpu" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/bind
  • If the device is a graphic GPU, also bind the auxiliary device

Function: unbind

If a specific GPU is specified, unbind only that GPU; otherwise, unbind all devices

unbind all NVIDIA GPU Find all devices under /sys/bus/pci/device, check if the device manufacturer equals 0x10de. If true, get the vendor ID and sequentially unbind each GPU.

[!tip] vendor number

NVIDIA device vendorID is 0x10de

unbind target GPU

  • Check if it’s an NVIDIA GPU; if not, return
  • Execute unbind_from_driver:
    • Check If device is already bound; if not, return
    • Get current GPU bound driver path
  • Execute two unbind operations:
echo "$gpu" > "$existing_driver/unbind"
echo > /sys/bus/pci/devices/$gpu/driver_override
  • If the device is a graphic GPU, also unbind the auxiliary device


  1. https://code.google.com/archive/p/pci-hacking/wikis/bind_Uunbind_PCI.wiki
  2. https://github.com/NVIDIA/gpu-operator/blob/main/assets/state-vfio-manager/0400_configmap.yaml